A Bent Peppermint Stick to Shut You Kids Up! Cologne Cathedral the Year 1670 and the History Behind the Making of the Modern Candy Cane

Construction on the grand cathedral in Cologne, Germany, began in the year 1248--when the Mongol Empire ruled half of the known world and when a young Dominican Friar from Italy named Thomas Aquinas had just begun writing his Summa Theologica- -a comprehensive compendium of all Catholic thought up until that point in history. It would not be completed for over 600 more years until 1880--the year when electric streetlights were first installed in the United States of America, in the relatively small town of Wabash, Indiana surprisingly, and when Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky completed work on his final novel, The Brothers Karamazov , which was considered a magnum opus on the relatively new nineteenth century doctrines of modern Atheism and Agnosticism. Cologne Cathedral is one of Europe’s finest surviving examples of gothic architecture from the High Middle Ages and was declared a World Heritage Site in 1996. According to Wikipedia, Cologne Cathedral is Germany’s most ...