I'll Be Damned if I Don't Do It: Insane Richard Lawrence and the First Assassination Attempt on a U.S. President January 30, 1835

He had said to random passersby, “I’ll be damned if I don’t do it.” Those are the words of unemployed house painter Richard Lawrence on the day that he attempted to assassinate the President of the United States. January 30, 1835 was a cold and misty day in our nation’s capital. On that day freezing rain hung in the air and dark and ominous clouds encircled the then domeless rotunda of the United States Capitol building. It would be over another 30 years, after the end of the American Civil War and after another of our nation’s Presidents had been murdered, that the dome on the Capitol building would finally be completed. But on that day in 1835 then controversial President of the United States Andrew Jackson was on the steps of the Capitol building to attend the funeral of Representative Warren R. Davis of South Carolina who had unexpectedly passed away just a few days prior and whose body now lay in state on the porch of the Capitol building. Presid...