Locked Away in Poitiers: The Horrific Imprisonment of Blanche Monnier a Crime that Shocked the World in 1901

It began on May 23, 1901 when the Paris Attorney General received an anonymous letter. To this day, though there has been much speculation over the past 12o years, no one knows for certain who wrote that letter. The note stated: “Monsieur Attorney General I have the honor to inform you of an exceptionally serious occurrence. I speak of a spinster who is locked up in Madame Monnier’s house, half-starved and lying on a putrid litter for the last twenty-five years--in a word--in her own filth.” The letter spoke of a once beautiful and captivating young woman, a socialite who had stolen the hearts of many a potential young suitor named Blanche Monnier from the central French city of Poitiers. Blanche, born on March 1, 1849 was the daughter of strict Catholic bourgeois parents Charles and Louise Monnier. Her family name in central France was one of long-standing nobility and she was by birth a member of the French aristocracy. As a young woman Blanche was renowne...