November 30, 1876 the First Thanksgiving Day Football Game: How New Jersey Helped Create an American Tradition

November 30, 1876, Thanksgiving Day, is cold and wet in northern New Jersey. Temperatures in Hoboken that early afternoon are near freezing, and an icy sleet is falling. About 1,000 fans have gathered outside on what is called the St. George’s Cricket Ground on this Thanksgiving Day to watch twenty-two collegiate athletes, eleven students from Princeton and eleven from Yale, faceoff in the first ever Thanksgiving Day American gridiron football game. Some sources say the game was played, like modern American football by teams of eleven-on-eleven, though others say that there may have been as many as fifteen players per side, but whatever the number, the game played on that cricket ground that day was unique enough to be considered something entirely different from other collegiate sports that were popular at the time such as rugby or soccer. Most who gathered at the local cricket grounds in Hoboken, New Jersey that day, were former alumni or simply curious spectators w...