The Last Legal Gunfight in America: A Duel Between a Senator and a Supreme Court Justice in 1859 that Helped End Slavery

The count begins one...two... But before the count of three is reached United States Senator from California David C. Broderick’s Belgian made .58 caliber pistol misfires harmlessly into the dirt at his feet. Standing ten paces away from Broderick is former California State Supreme Court Justice, and one time close personal friend of Broderick’s, David S. Terry. Despite the mishap Broderick continues to stand tall. On the count of three Terry doesn’t flinch and instantly pulls the trigger. Terry has taken aim directly at Broderick’s chest and when he fires the bullet instantly enters the Senator’s lungs. Weeks later at his trial Terry will claim that he, “only intended to graze him with a flesh wound,” but most who witnessed the duel will claim under oath that Supreme Court Justice Terry shot with intent to kill. The mortally wounded David C. Broderick is rushed to a waterfront house on San Francisco’s Black Point Beach. ...