Disfida Di Barletta: The Challenge of Barletta and the Death of Chivalry February 13, 1503

By 1503 King Louis XII of France and King Ferdinand I of Spain (then known as Ferdinand II of Aragon) have spent the past two years, aided by mercenaries and knights loyal to local rulers, warring with one another up and down the Italian Peninsula. Both Louis XII of France and Ferdinand I of Spain assert familial claims to the thrones of the Italian city states of Naples and Milan and each has dispatched a formidable army to Italy to drive home the point. Originally allies who had agreed to split the newly conquered Kingdom of Naples between themselves in 1501, Louis XII and Ferdinand I had a falling out over how to equally divide the spoils soon after their combined Franco-Spanish army had defeated the Neapolitans and a state of war has existed between France and Spain ever since. Caught in the middle of this late-medieval struggle between two of Europe’s greatest powers, Italian rulers have variously thrown their support behind both Spain and France as...