New York City's Coldest Day and the Hard Winter in Northern New Jersey: February 9, 1934

The temperature in Central Park first dropped below zero degrees Fahrenheit at 9 pm on Thursday, February 8, 1934 and it kept dropping for ten straight hours! Just after sunrise, at 7 in the morning on Friday, February 9, 1934, the National Weather Service officially recorded the temperature in New York City as -15 degrees Fahrenheit. The New York Times would report the next day that the temperature in Central Park was, in fact, a balmy -14.3 degrees at 7 o’clock in the morning. February 9, 1934 was, and still is, the coldest day on record for New York City and it’s metropolitan area. Since accurate temperature data first started to be recorded by the National Weather Service at Central Park in 1871, there have been 58 days during which the temperature has been at or below zero degrees Fahrenheit in midtown Manhattan, with the most recent of these days being January 18, 1994 when the temperature reached -2 degrees. But February 9, 1934 still remains the coldest o...