When Mars Attacked New Jersey: Halloween Night 1938

Explosions shake the earth. A fiery object falls from the sky and crashes through the roof of a farmhouse. Flames leap skyward as a small New Jersey town burns. On the radio a newsflash interrupts a broadcast of popular dance music with an urgent bulletin. It is 8 pm on October 30, 1938--the night before Halloween. The news bulletin reports, “Professor Farrell of Mount Jenning Observatory has detected explosions on the surface of Mars,” and then abruptly switches back to playing orchestral dance tunes. But within moments, listeners to WCBS Radio, the northeast’s largest and most powerful station at the time, are informed that a large meteor has crashed into the small town of Grover’s Mill, New Jersey. Around 9 pm the radio broadcast cuts to a reporter live on the scene in Grover’s Mill who frantically retracts his previous statement and says that it was not a meteor which crashed in town, but rather i...