Mystery Airship Craze of 1896: Martian, Man Made or Media Hype

“There may be visitors from Mars, fearful, at the least, of invading the planet that they have been seeking.” -- St. Louis Post Dispatch April 1897 Gaslights flicker as a soft late Autumn rain descends to the ground in San Francisco California. It is a few minutes past midnight on November 21, 1896. Suddenly, at about a thousand feet above ground just beneath the clouds, a bright light begins to move slowly across the sky. The brightness of the light cuts through the overcast night sky with the intensity of a high powered searchlight. Trailing slowly behind the bright light is the shadow of an elongated cigar shaped craft. The craft is moving so deliberately that it almost appears to be suspended, or hovering, in mid-air. Those awake at this time of night gaze upwards in amazement and perplexity. People on the ground start to point, murmur and to even gasp in wonder as this strange flying object drifts by over their heads. No one has ev...